Want To Know How You Can Get Muscular Hands?
Maybe you’re trying to palm a basketball or grip a football more securely. Perhaps you want to spread your fingers a little wider across a piano keyboard or guitar frets. Or maybe you’ve just always wished your hands were a little bigger. School going boys of higher grade can learn the techniques.
But can you increase the size of your hands, or is that like hoping you can stretch enough to be a little taller?
The truth is, the actual size of your hands is limited by the size of your hand bones. No amount of stretching, squeezing, or strength training can make your bones any longer or wider.
That said, the hand is powered by about 30 muscles, and they can grow stronger and more flexible with a variety of exercises.
And increasing the strength and reach of your fingers and thumbs, even just a little, may help you no matter what sport or instrument you play.
How to make your hands more muscular?
To bolster your grip on a basketball, football, or a stubborn jar of salsa, you can do several simple exercises.
These exercises will not only increase the strength and thickness of certain hand muscles, but they may make your hands appear a bit bigger.
As with any exercise, a good warmup is helpful in preventing injury and discomfort. Before performing these strengthening exercises, soak your hands for a few minutes in warm water or wrap them in a heated towel.
These treatments can also help to relieve hand pain or stiffness caused by arthritis or other musculoskeletal conditions.
The following exercises can be done two or three times per week, but be sure to wait 2 days in between exercises to allow your hand muscles to recover.
Squeezing a soft ball
Hold a soft stress ball in your palm.
Squeeze it as hard as you can (without causing any pain).
Hold the ball tightly for 3 to 5 seconds, and then release.
Repeat, working your way up to 10 to 12 repetitions with each hand.
For a variation, hold a stress ball between the fingers and thumb of one hand and hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
You may also improve your grip strength by regularly using other exercise implements that require squeezing.
Making a fist and releasing
Make a fist, wrapping your thumb across the outside of your fingers.
Hold this position for 1 minute, and then open your hand.
Spread your fingers as wide as you can for 10 seconds.
Repeat 3 to 5 times with each hand.
Working with clay
Form a ball with some modeling clay and then role it out. Manipulating clay will strengthen your hands, while creating sculptures with detailed features will also improve your fine motor skills.
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